Solar Eclipse on the Molucca Islands

After last year´s amazing eclipse in arctic regions with -25 degrees Celsius a Team from Baader Planetarium experienced an extreme contrast at this year´s eclipse which took place in tropical regions on March 9th at 35 degrees Celsius and 80% humidity…


Partial Solar Eclipse 20.3.2015

von Bayern aus beobachtet um 11h18 MEZ, 8fach-Mosaik zu je 200 Frames aufgenommen im heimischen Garten Meine Homepage: www.darksky-fan.de


Coverage of Sunspot group AR 2303

The image shows 4 phases of coverage of the Sunspot AR 2303 during the partial solar eclipse on March 20th, 2015. Avistream with 300 frames each, 50% stacked. Editing with AviStak 1.8 + Photoshop CS 2