For years our colleagues Martin Rietze and Michael Risch have been hunting for the next solar eclipse in the most remote places in the world.
See e.g. our previous blog posts on
2015: Solar Eclipse Adventure in Svalbard
Martin Rietze and Michael Risch from Baader Planetarium – both solar eclipse chasers – have again traveled to the event and brought us impressive images and videos. Svalbard is one of the few islands where the path of totality on March 20th, 2015 crossed land. Its 1300km from North Pole Our chances for good weather were somewhere around 50% so it was more or less gambling flying there to see the Total Solar Eclipse…
2016: Solar Eclipse on the Molucca Islands
After last year´s amazing eclipse in arctic regions with -25 degrees Celsius a Team from Baader Planetarium (Martin Rietze, Michael Risch) experienced an extreme contrast at this year´s eclipse which took place in tropical regions on March 9th. 35 degrees Celsius and 80% humidity were predicted along the shadows path. We decided for the Molucca Islands between Sulawesi and New Guinea that belong to Indonesia. But beforehand we stopped over on Borneo to climb the 4.100m Mt. Kinabalu and experienced the phantastic nature…
This year, 2017, Martin Rietze (an eclipse enthusiast and passionate volcano photographer, see also was alone in the USA. Finding a secluded place without further spectators was almost impossible with this extremely popular solar eclipse. Still, with only about 20 other spectators on the mountain “Static Peak (at 3400 meters), Jackson Hole, Teton Range” he found a good place and brought back impressive pictures.
See below some pictures and a short video animation in low resolution. Download here the Video in original 4K-resolution.