
Draco of Dracoproductions

When I was first made aware of a new solar filter material that was a flexible sheet that was safe for viewing the sun, I got a piece, mounted it in card stock, and then checked with my eye doctor who was skeptical about the safety factor of the material, and he took the best sun glasses they carried and used […]


Christian Viladrich, France

Large aperture scope are often claimed not useful for high resolution solar imaging. However, I was convinced of the opposite given the number of times the images I take with Baader K line and Hershel are limited by the 150 mm aperture of my Takahashi TOA. The challenge of turning the Celestron 14 was several […]

TOA 130S f7_Sonne Rotf_2xBarl_12-06-16 12-38-34

Wolfgang Bodenmüller, Germany

Experiences with the Baader Planetarium AstroSolar® Safety Film  Not involved into imaging the sun in white light the last few years, the upcoming Venus transit pushed me into a new trial. So I purchased a sheet of AstroSolar® Safety Film from Baader Planetarium ND 5.0, the type with higher density for visual use. The sheet […]

Venustransit Sonnenaufgang

Venus Transit 2012

The first images from Baader Planetarium Team (Martin Rietze, Michael Risch, Sebastian Voltmer, Johannes Baader) which have travelled to Hungary to see the event. They worked in different wavelength with different telescopes and telephoto lenses. At the end they captured not only nice images of the sunrise with the dark, round shadow of Venus on […]