
Solar limb detachment in calcium

A solar limb detachment is very rarely captured by amateurs in calcium light. I recorded 2 second durations, with zero second delays. This is 176 frames total. A celestron luminos 2.5x barlow was used with a skybender optical tilt mechanism and a 0.5 angstrom calcium k3 core filter system that i designed. What you see appear’s similar to hydrogen alpha, but this is indeed calcium light centered at 393.37nm A false color version can be seen on my flickr page linked below.
Full resolution version below,

Apollo Lasky
0.5 angstrom calcium k3 skybender
explore scientific 127mm x 1200mm
Skybender 0.5 angstrom 393.37nm
basler aca3088-57um
keine Angabe
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