
ISS Solar-Transit Single Image


Baader Solar Filter ASTF 80 with AstroSolar® Photo Film OD 3.8

ISS Transit in front of the sun, taken by Team Baader in Bavaria, Germany. Animation (see link below) in real time, the ISS crossed the sun in approx. 0.6 seconds. To see the transit we had to find the middle of a narrow band of only 5km on the earth, which we managed by calculating with the software “CalSky”.

IMG_9750Shortly before the transit the sun was completely “covered” in cirrus clouds, you can still see some of the high clouds passing through. The seeing was very bad due to 35° C temperature, but the small aperture of our mobile setup (Baader APO Travel Companion 95mm and Avalon M-Zero mount) was a good fit.

See here the Animation in real time

Team Baader
AstroSolar Foto Folie OD 3.8
Baader APO 95/560 CaF2 Travel Companion
not Specified
Skyris 274M
12 Frames von 20fps
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