
ISS Solar-Transit Single Image

ISS Transit in front of the sun, taken by Team Baader in Bavaria, Germany. Animation (see link below) in real time, the ISS crossed the sun in approx. 0.6 seconds. To see the transit we had to find the middle of a narrow band of only 5km on the earth, which we managed by calculating […]


ISS Solar-Transit Animation

ISS Transit in front of the sun, taken by Team Baader in Bavaria, Germany. Animation in real time, the ISS crossed the sun in approx. 0.6 seconds. To see the transit we had to find the middle of a narrow band of only 5km on the earth, which we managed by calculating with the software […]


Partial Solar Eclipse 20.3.2015

von Bayern aus beobachtet um 11h18 MEZ, 8fach-Mosaik zu je 200 Frames aufgenommen im heimischen Garten Meine Homepage:


Solar Eclipse Adventure in Svalbard

Martin Rietze and Michael Risch from Baader Planetarium – both solar eclipse chasers – have again traveled to the event in Spitzbergen and brought us impressive images and videos


Sonnenmosaik in H-alpha

Beeindruckende Übersichtsaufnahme der gesamten Sonne – zusammengesetzt aus mehreren Einzelbildern


Große Sonnenfleckengruppe AR 2192

Das Bild stammt aus einem Videostream von insgesammt 1.200 Einzelbildern. Zum Rohsummenbild gestackt wurden 144 Bilder. Bildverarbeitung mit AviStack und Photoshop CS 2